"Mesna industrija Pjanići" is also for sale, that is, an office building with an area of 29,046 square meters. "Agrokomerc" owns 1/1 of all properties.

The market value of the real estate is 35,157,150 KM, and it was determined by an expert in the construction profession according to the findings and opinion from June 2023. The sale of real estate was initiated at the request of a large number of individuals and legal entities, in order to collect claims. The conditions of the oral public bidding are described in detail on the website of the Municipal Court in Cazin.

The beginnings of this former economic giant go back to 1969, and it employed 13,000 workers. "Agrokomerc" also helped farmers by buying their products. The promissory notes affair, which caused his downfall, began more intensively in 1983, and the public learned about it in 1987.

"Agrokomerc" is today a company with millions of debts and outstanding contributions to hundreds of former workers.


Source: www.seebiz.eu