Assessors will also have to keep the three prescribed method of assessing property values ​​- comparative, cost and revenue. Wholesalers are satisfied, but appraisers and bankers will not ask you to entry into force of the new system still increase the chaos. 


Today you can read about how to estimate the value of real estate remains a gray area at least until the 2016th year. If that year welcome with quite legally regulated framework under which the estimators can objectively assess the property, it will be a great success. Today we bring you ten disadvantages of the new system of assessing real estate. 


1.It is not the first organized system of training and certification experts. 

2.The second is not settled legal basis for making judgments about the appraisal committees. 

3.Third is not regulated obligations compiling collections of retail price. 

4. Not specified develop maps with values ​​of the plots. 

5. is not regulated legal framework for the establishment of assessment committees. 

6. is not resolved to acquire retail real estate prices. 

7. is not resolved develop maps with approximate (standard) value of land. 

8. It adopted Regulation appraisal committees. 

9. is not resolved assembling collections of retail price. 

10. not resolved approximate (standard) value of the land. 









