On the one hand, Croats have the most real estate in Europe, but in terms of total net wealth, we are only at 62 percent of the European average.

The median of real assets in Croatia (half of households are below the median, half above) is estimated at 68,900 euros, while in Europe the median is on average 131,000 euros. In the case of financial assets, the difference is much greater: in Croatia the median is 500 euros, and in Europe 10,300 euros.

Surprisingly, according to a CNB survey, these assets are fairly evenly distributed among citizens, and inequality in Croatia is on average lower than in other European countries that conducted the same survey. At least that's what the dry statistics say, so we asked the experts of the Croatian National Bank, Igor Jemrić and Marina Kunovac, for a deeper analysis and putting things in context.

Source: hr.n1info